I am a researcher in combinatorics and a associate professor in computer science at Université Paris-Sud (Orsay). This blog reflects my own views on topics such as research, science, mathematics, programming and so on. More?
My research is about Combinatorics you can read more on my academic home page or even read my research papers on arXiv.
I teach basic computer science at undergrad level (programming, algorithmic,…) and also occasionally combinatorics, Sage, and other topics at all levels.
I am an active user and contributor to the mathematical software SageMath and an enthusiastic user of the platform SageMathCloud.
I am one of the organizers of PyLadiesParis.
I have a strong interest in the Python language and community and more generally in the OpenSource community, especially around science.
I am part of the OpenDreamKit project as a lead partner for Paris-Sud and in charge of the dissemination work package.
If ever you read French, I also run a travel blog VivianeVoyage where you can read different kind of stories.